Have you seen the walgreens ad this week yet? Huggies Jumbo pack of diapers and wet wipes are on sale. The Huggies are on sale for $10 and the wet wipes are on sales for $6.

They also have a Register Rewards bonus on these products. If you buy $25 in these items (plus options for other items) you will recieve $10 back in register rewards to use on another walgreens purchase. If you use coupons, it will negate the register rewards. I checked with 3 different walgreens to make sure I was understanding this correctly and it wasn't just my local walgreens.

If you click on the coupons.com widget on the right panel of this page, you can print a $5 coupon and a $3 coupon for Huggies.

Here is the senerio if you use the coupons, You will get a Jumbo pack of diapers and wet wipes for $8.

If you use the register rewards and purchase 2 packs of diapers and 1 pack of wet wipes, after you get your register rewards, you will have paid $6 per item. Which is still a great deal. If I did this senerio, I would then turn around and go back and buy the same thing again and use the $10 in register rewards on the diaper deal.

If you walgreens give you the register rewards and you get to use your coupons you can buy 2 pks of diapers, and 1 pk of wet wipes for a grand total of $3. Hopefully your walgreens will let you stack the deal.

Be sure to post in the comment section what deal you get at your walgreens. Have your friends come to this site and print off the diaper coupons for you along with any other they might like. Remember you can print them twice from each computer.

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