Do you like to try things and if you don't like them you don't feel like you have lost out on anything? I do. I like to try new things. Here are a few products that you can try for free.
Check them out.
- ALOUETTE® PRODUCTS try one for free up to $6.49. click here for the form and a list is also available on that link of specific products.
- Science diet dog food. PetFit has a special offer for $10 rebate and also they have a $8 coupon to use. Great deal but you have to order through PetFit. Check it out here.
- Movie Tickets from Kozy Shack click here
- Sure Deodorant click here
- Country Bob's sauce click here
- Stubb's Barbecue Sauce of Marinade. Choose any variety of their barbecue sauce or marinade - the bottle does not have to have a "Try Me Free" jacket on the neck of the bottle . Send original dated, store-identified cash register receipt dated between 8/15/08 and 11/15/08 with the purchase price circled and your full name, full address, and email on a 3"x5" card. Mail to: CMS Rebate Center, ATTN: Stubb's Mail-In Rebate Offer STB001, P.O. Box 426008, Del Rio, TX 78840-6008 Limit one refund per person, family, household or address. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for refund.
Join the Stubb's BBQ Club and you will get coupons for this great sauce. Click here to join.
Enjoy your rebates.
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